Wow! I am flattered and surprised! Overworked Supermom and I recently became aquainted through blogging and Facebook. I am honored by this nomination. She and I have Texas in common. Even if it is a BIG state, being residents automatically creates a synergy between us. So, I thank her for her nomination. Really.I am still so new to all of this, I hardly know where to begin! <catches breath> So, I do have five fellow bloggers that I would like to recognize. Ah, it is hard to narrow it down to just five. There are so many talented, kind and funny ladies out there! Okay, okay. Here are my five.
1. You Know It Happens at Your House Too
I met her on Facebook. She was the first to take me under her wing and show me what pimpin is all about. LOL. She is a hoot. I admire her life with Farmer Bob and the children. I admire her devout love for Johnny Depp, too. She takes care of her own and manages to find enough compassion to care for us "newbies" out there, too. She's hilarious.
2. Erin Michael Silversmith/Visual Artist
I have known Erin for quite a while...some where in the neighborhood of ten years. I ventured out with her during a mass exodus at a previous employer. I took the easy way and went and got myself another J-O-B. Erin has kept on with her pursuits and has achieved some noteable success. She recently made earrings for Drew Barrymore via The Artisan Group. She has been a huge motivator for me to write and I think she is proud now.
3. Megans Munchies
Now, Megan and I go way, way back. Like back to the plaid skirt days. Meaning we went to Catholic School together a million years ago. We have been in and out of contact the last several years and our life paths are finally colliding again. She bakes like no one I have ever known and still looks like a damned Barbie. She's the girl you just love; never hate. She is as sweet as the sprinkles on her cupcakes.
4. The Illiterate Literarian
She and I go back to the times of high school. You know, when life was REALLY hard. LOL. I guess in retrospect, we have both realized that the era where we met was the beginning of the adult lives we would soon embark on. She and I started chatting on Facebook a few weeks ago...make the long story short, we both are writing books. She is WAY ahead of me but she is the inspiration for my song actually being sung. Had it not been for that conversation one Thursday afternoon via Facebook IM, I might not ever started writing eventhough Erin (and others) have been telling me to for a decade.
5. Frugalista Blog
She and I have just met like days ago. She is funny. I love her stuff. She has the same sense of humor I do. I can't wait to keep up with her and get to know her better. How can you not love someone that considers themselves "cliche and unexpected at the same time." I really want to see her driving her minivan with big Jackie O sunglasses on.
Now that I feel all sentimental and appreciated and noticed, I will pass on the nominations to ladies I love and ladies I am growing to love more every day!
How the Liebster Blog Award works:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 lesser-known blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and give a little blurb about why you chose each blog.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.