After coming off my most prolific month of the year, May marked a low point: cinematically that is. Perpetually busy with school, end of the year projects, and finals, I barely got over the 20 film hump. In my defense, I have been catching up on a few invaluable television programs. Mainly Louie, Girls, Veep, and Community. Regardless, Summer is drawing near. I'm already day dreaming. Who's with me?

New Viewings:
Heathers ~ 80s cult hit did nothing for me.
The Freshman ~ The Broderick and Brando combo is ostensibly a good one, but the film adds up to nothing.
Sound of My Voice ~ Metaphysical exploration with infinite implications. Possible modern cult classic. Needs a second viewing.
M ~ Fritz Lang's psychological thriller was the base of the genre. Haunting and ingeniously photographed, Lorre chills.
Analyze This ~ Essentially a one joke film. Thankfully, Crystal and De Niro make the ride an enjoyable one.
Repeated Viewing
Hannah and Her Sisters ~ Another wonderfully romantic tale from Woody Allen.
Bull Durham ~ My favorite depiction of America's past time.
Pom Wonderful: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold ~ Never comes full circle, but still entertaining.
Contagion ~ Blu-ray is flawless, the film is far from it.
All The Presidents Men ~ Again, in terms of favorite films that delve into the world of journalism, this is at the top.
State of Play ~ Another finely tuned journalistic film with Crowe, Affleck, and McAdams giving powerful performances.
Groundhog Day ~ I got you babe.
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas 3D ~ Marijuana, mafia, drugged up babies, 3D, clay animation, and half headed Santa.
Crazy Stupid Love ~ Stil lacking romance and relatable characters. Carell is heartfelt.
Press Screening:
The Avengers ~ A blockbuster epic that intertwines intellect and entertainment.
Dark Shadows ~ Another Tim Burton and Johnny Depp style over substance project.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel ~ Relentlessly contrived and consistently overly sentimental.
The Dictator ~ More Borat than Bruno.
Battleship ~ Awful. Mind numbingly awful.
Men in Black III ~ Shoddily constructed, punctuated with Smith's tiring shtick.
Snow White & The Huntsman ~ (review up tomorrow)
Films Seen In May: 21
Films Seen In 2012: 147
Film Reviewed In May: 9
The Essentials
"All The President's Men"
"Bull Durham"
"Groundhog Day"
"Hannah and Her Sisters"