Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Make Sure to Spike the Damn Eggnog!!! « coffeebreakbrainburst


I’m really starting to realize just how brutal this time of year can be for some people. I’ve often heard that the Christmas season can amplify pre-existing troubles, worries, stress and sorrows.

It’s a frighteningly powerful lens before feelings of loneliness and grief.

I wonder if other religious/cultural traditions have this effect? Or is it the commercialized and media build up over a two month period that swathes Christmas with such potential for despair?

Do the lonely or grieving in India go through this extra despondency during Diwali?


How about Islam’s Ramadan,

Buddhism’s Wesak,

or Judaism’s Hanukkha?


I can’t be sure, but I’m willing to bet twenty pounds of mistletoe that, percentage wise, the potential for holiday suicides are far higher for the season of St. Nick.

Is there a solution?

Well, my first suggestion is highly impractical in that it involves shooting anyone who so much as mentions Christmas before December 1st.

En hence, we are each left to our own devices to find less lethal strategies in avoiding the holiday blues or yuletide burnout.

For me, I keep the radio station in the car glued to CBC FM.

There are no HO HO Hold the payments commercials by Leon Furnature and there’s a minimal chance that I’m gonna hear another damn pop rendition of Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

On a related topic, I was at the gym yesterday when I saw the video for Justin Bieber’s Santa Claus is Coming to Town.


So many thoughts and emotions; all of them disturbing and illegal.

On a related topic to the related topic…. I just typed the letter ‘J’ in Google Images… Justin Bieber was #1 and #3, Jesus Christ was #5. Make of that what you will.

Johnny Depp was #8.

So there… what’s my point?

Oh yes, for many people Christmas can suck. Hell, if you’re living in a Northern climate, Christmas until April can suck.

Here’s some words that I find extremely helpful; it’s from the Chan Buddhist Master, Loy Ching-Yuen

“In moments of darkness and pain, remember all is cyclical.

Sit quietly behind your wooden door: spring will come again.”


Have a good one friends.

Shall we meet behind the wooden door?

‘Poppa’ Paul Connolly


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