Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bafflement « Rouge de Mode

The Story
Bafflement « Rouge de Mode
May 31st 2012, 17:38

You know those things you just don't 'get', especially when the rest of the world seems to be totally on board with it/them? For no apparent reason I've been thinking about this recently and here's whats currently baffling me…

Adults who don't have children and still go to Disneyland. What is that? I can't seem to get the idea straight in my head. Now, I was never really a Disney kid, it's never been my thing, but I don't know why grown adults would want to go to a place with people in annoying giant mouse costumes and a bunch of whiny, sugar fed kids running about. Hell.

Alexa Chung. I'm still slightly confused as to the point of her fame. I mean she's a presenter right? Or at least she sort of does that. Even more baffling to me is the fact she's held up as some sort of fashion icon when really she dresses like an awkward 16-year-old.

The Walking Dead. I tried, Lord knows I tried. I tried season one and tried again season two but I just can't get into it. I can't even put my finger on what it is, I mean, I think Andrew Lincoln's great, I loved This Life but even he bores the pants off me in this. Maybe I'm wrong, and someone will correct me, but nothing much ever seems to happen. They head somewhere, they come across some zombies, hide, maybe kill a few, carry on moving. That's it. Bored.

Jessie J. Admittedly I'm not really a 'pop' music kind of person. I prefer my music to come via sweaty, grubby men with guitars as a rule but Jessie J just baffles me. I saw her perform in Cannes and it made little difference, she's a very talented girl sure, but I just don't get her thing.

Wheatgrass. The health benefits are all there, but no matter how quickly you shoot the stuff down it still tastes vile. Whats the point? No good can come from something that leaves that kind of after taste.

Robert Pattinson. Sweeping generalisation here, but my not being a teenage girl or a middle-aged house wife might be the reason I don't get the appeal of Robert Pattinson. I have no problem with his acting, I saw Cosmopolis, he's good, but I'm as bemused about the hysteria that surrounds him and everything he does as I was as confused when the same thing happened to Leonardo diCaprio when Titanic came out.

People who cry/scream at famous people. This sort of follows on from the Robert Pattinson thing. We all have stars we like and/or crush on a bit but I have never felt the urge to squeal, scream or cry around them ever. I've never asked for an autograph or a photo with them, I just find that so frickin weird don't know why. Why would you, say, meet Johnny Depp and cry at him or scream in is face, it's so odd. I recently found myself sitting next to one of my major 'famous people crushes' for nearly three whole hours. We chatted, had a good laugh and even a hug goodbye (initiated by him) but not for a second did I feel the need to cry, scream or ask for a photo with him. I can't tell you what was actually running through my head though, you'd be appalled….and disgusted.

Girls with half shaved heads. It's fair to say that Alice Dellal (who is also baffling to me) kicked this all off and everyone free to make their own sartorial choices but I just find it so unappealing. I mean at that very least it's a bitch to grow out when you finally realise how ugly it looks.

Gyms. It's something else I've tried to work with but it's just not happening. It's so monotonous, whether it's good for you or not. Worse, you're in a building full of people who, for better but mainly worse, are wearing lycra and sweating in unslightly places. If you enjoy it then good for you but why continue to go if you don't? Why don't people do things they enjoy to get fit? I like dancing, swimming, horse riding, pilates and I do them to keep fit. Why torture yourself being somewhere you don't want to be.

 Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian. It's just…I don't…I have no idea what's going on there. Best left alone if you ask me.

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